Our writers, photographers and publisher.
From getting out on the road to working through a maze of details to the final writing and editing, Living Here's staff go all out to give you their best in every issue. To view a contributor's work as it has appeared in Living Here, click on the person's name in the alphabetical list. This will take you to a page of links to the articles/items themselves. To return to this page, click on the "staff" button in the lower left-hand corner of each person's page.
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Lorraine Payette
Lorraine is both a familiar name and face in our area. She was a popular freelance journalist/photographer for more than four years with the EMC St. Lawrence and has had numerous pieces published in the Gananoque Reporter, Thousand Islands Life and SNAPD 1,000 Islands. She produces the blog http://afreshnewsstart.com/ and has made many contributions both written and photographic to Living Here since its first issue. Trained as a writer and journalist at both ICS and ICL, she lives west of the Gananoque gates in the former Pittsburgh Township. |
Sally Smid
Born in Pittsburgh, PA, Sally Wilson Smid came to Athens, ON, 42-years ago as a school teacher. She married her husband Henry, had five children and is now a proud grandmother. An active member of the Athens and Area Heritage Society and Museum, she has also written several children’s books, worked as a freelance writer and enjoys several creative crafting activities. |
Jonathan Vickers
Jonathan Vickers is the alter ego of Jon Marshall Publisher/Owner of Living Here. He lives in Brockville with his wife Catherine and loves sports (hockey, football, baseball (misses the Expos) and plays golf (shoots low 80's)). An avid Montreal Canadiens and Alouettes fan, he rarely misses a game on the tube. Also a political history buff, he follows Canadian and American politics. Jonathan and Catherine garden and love bird watching in their back yard. TV shows he enjoys are NCIS, Law and Order, Big Bang Theory, Person of Interest, and The Dome, amongst others. He is a fan of classic rock, but also likes 80's music and some country, blues, jazz and other forms of music.